What kind of doctor deals with muscles and tendons

Reasons for tendon repair
  1. Tendon and Ligament Repair
  2. Muscles and Tendons
  3. What Kind of Doctor Should I See? | Runner's World

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Muscles in the body are either smooth muscle or skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle is involuntary, working without our direct control, such as in our gut, moving ingested food along. Skeletal muscles are the workhorses of the body, under conscious direct control, enabling us to move fast or slowly. When put under excessive stress, a skeletal muscle can be strained or torn. A muscle that crosses more than one joint, such as a hamstring or gastrocnemius calf , is more susceptible to injury.

Tendon and Ligament Repair

There are also a number of muscle problems which are not related to injury, but rather to inflammation of some sort. DOMS delayed onset muscle soreness is the term applied to muscle soreness that occurs one or two days after we start unaccustomed muscle activity.

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It is always best to build up to exercise gradually! Then there is the very difficult conundrum of fibromyalgia syndrome.

Muscles and Tendons

FMS is a syndrome in which there is pain, and often stiffness, in ligaments, tendons and especially muscles. It may occur in just one area of the body, or in several areas at a time. Joints may ache but there is no detectible arthritis. Sleep is usually disturbed, leading to extreme tiredness, and poor concentration.

What Kind of Doctor Should I See? | Runner's World

Bursitis and tendinitis are often caused by vigorous or repeated physical activity—for example, at a job that requires the same motion over and over or in sports, such as long-distance running. Our experts create treatment plans based on your specific symptoms, the extent of your injury, how long symptoms have affected you, and your long-term athletic or personal goals.

Our doctors recommend resting and icing the affected part of the body to reduce inflammation and then working with a physical therapist to stretch and strengthen muscles and tendons. If bursitis or tendinitis is painful, doctors may suggest an injection of corticosteroids, platelet-rich plasma, or stem cells to relieve swelling and pain and encourage healing. If bursitis or tendinitis is severe, our doctors may recommend surgery to repair a tendon or remove inflamed tissue. We can help you find a doctor.