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People Also Viewed. Safe Online Payment. Fast Delivery All Over Lebanon. Download For Free. Merchant Run a Deal List a Product. And baby makes three Generally, we average three pups per litter, although twins and quads are not unusual. In the still of the night. We like to feed on moths. Hunting is usually done around the edges of the forest, in clearings and near street lights. But will you love me tomorrow? You've heard it before and you'll hear it again, our numbers are believed to be declining because of loss of habitat.

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Come on, guys, plant a tree! Shakespeare never met a shrew like this. But that's because he never visited the southwestern United States, where you find these guys. But the desert shrew, aka Notiosorex crawfordi, might be hard to find anyway, because he doesn't leave very distinguished tracks. He doesn't dig holes, either; he lives in woodrat nests or underneath vegetation.

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Oh yes, he's also very small. Only 2 to 3 inches long. Hold a penny in one hand and a nickel in the other, and this shrew will weigh in somewhere in between. He belongs to an order of mammals called insectivores, meaning he eats bugs, but also lizards and even small mice. He is apparently immune to scorpion venom, so he eats those, too.

He eats 75 percent of his body weight every day, but doesn't need to drink water because he gets it all from food. Be glad you're much larger than he is, because you wouldn't want to be on his list of favorite foods. He keeps food in his nest fresh by keeping it alive. How, you ask? He crushes their heads and bites off their legs. Not fun. This guy does have predators of his own, nocturnal animals out hunting when he is.

Owls and snakes are the reason the desert shrew only lives for about a year. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so behold this: We're stocky and light-colored, with pointy scales. Black, wedge-shaped marks are on both sides of our necks. Some of us have orange heads, especially breeding males, and we all have pointed ear scales. Males also have blue patches on the belly.

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Welcome to the neighborhood: We like arid regions such as deserts and mesquite woodlands, as our name implies. We're good rock and tree climbers, but we're also found on the ground. We take shelter in crevices, under logs and in the burrows of rodents. Dinner is served: We eat insects, including ants, beetles and termites - it's not as if we're made of wood and the termites will bite back. We also like spiders and lizards, and we even eat flowers and berries. There's nothing like a well-balanced diet. Continuing the family line: From May through August, we think about having families.

We lay clutches of four to 19 eggs, and we may have more than one clutch per season. Something you should know: We're inclined to bite when captured. Personally, I think you should just leave me alone. Vital statistics: Up to 14 inches in length, lives 80 years or longer and has from 2 to 14 offspring at a time.

Last known address: Prefers rocky foothills, burrows into firm soil or between and under large rocks. It is believed that some tortoises don't move more than 2 miles from the nest during the course of their lives. Foxes, ravens and coyotes will snack on young desert tortoises, but the older tortoises find that shell a nice suit of armor. Cool facts: This tortoise can live without drinking water, instead reabsorbing moisture from its bladder. If one is startled, when picked up in the wild perhaps, it may dump its water supply, endangering itself if there is no rain soon.

Be aware: The desert tortoise is protected in Arizona. For information, call the museum, When it comes to the world of butterflies, I'm the top dog 'round these parts. No, I'm not conceited, but people do call me a dog-face butterfly, or a Zerene Cesonia to be exact. My name comes from what looks like a dog's head or "poodle face" on my wings, formed by the black area bordering my bright yellow wings. The dog-face feature is more prominent in males because females lack the distinct contrast in color. But males and females alike can be recognized by the dark spot on our forewing.

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I'm quite common in southeastern Arizona and many other parts of the southern United States. Don't be surprised to find me year round. It's common to find me in the cold of fall and I can even survive through light freezes!

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My wingspan is about 2 to 3 inches and during the day I fly around searching for a mate. But when hunger strikes I go in search of my favorite food, flower nectar. Like most butterflies, my life started in the form of a caterpillar.

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We grow up on small-leaved plants like alfalfa before spreading our wings and taking off in flight. One of my favorite spots to hang out is on cattle farms because the plants where I breed are promoted for cattle. I also take up residence in dry, open areas like washes, road edges or open woodland. Several of my brothers are domesticated, but stubborn people label me feral because I don't conform.

Other people who are mulish may think that I am a small horse when they first see me, but all you must do is look at me to see the differences. My body is smaller, and my head and ears are larger than a horse's.

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