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Snagged MP pwo for 12 bucks. Link to pwo? I guess it could help with sexual fitness? Muscle protein synthesis is an important process for increasing muscle size and strength. Coupons, Codes, Promos, & Discounts

Resistance training alone can increase rates of protein synthesis, but it also increases rates of protein breakdown. For muscle growth to occur, you need to tip the scale in favor of protein synthesis while trying to minimize breakdown.

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Research has shown that the consumption of protein post-workout can substantially increase muscle protein synthesis. Over time, this has been shown to lead to bigger gains in muscle size and strength.

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Bulk up: Find a supplement you like, and buy the largest container you can. Although it costs more money up front, the cost per serving will be less. Have yourself a cocktail: Many pre-workouts on the market will have a combination of these supplements, making it easier to get them all with just a single scoop. Some contain additional ingredients, such as citrulline malate and beta-alanine, that can help give you an extra edge in the gym. Just make sure to check the label to make sure they contain the right ingredients in the right doses. If you had to choose only one type of protein to spend your hard-earned dollars on, I would recommend whey.

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Whey protein is a fast-digesting protein that enters the bloodstream rapidly. This allows it to get to your muscles faster and create a bigger spike in protein synthesis compared to sources such as soy or casein. Although protein powders will cost you about 30 cents more per serving than chicken or eggs, the portability, convenience, and lack of prep work make whey protein a must-have in any supplement stack. You want to make that tub of protein last as long as possible. A study looking at various dosages 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 grams found that 20 grams was enough to fully stimulate protein synthesis after resistance training.

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  5. So dial back your post-workout shake to one scoop and make that protein last without sacrificing gains. Whether your goal is to increase energy levels at the gym or drop those last few pounds of body fat, look no further than caffeine. This thermogenic ingredient can help increase metabolic rate while also providing you with a quick source of energy during your workouts.

    Along with its benefits to performance, caffeine has been shown to decrease the perception of fatigue during exercise. Muscular fatigue has been shown to decrease motor-unit recruitment within the muscle, causing a decrease in muscular-contraction strength. Taking caffeine before your workout can help sustain motor-unit firing rates and maintain maximal force output.

    Caffeine can also help you shed those extra pounds you gained while enjoying the last few days of summer.

    r/bodybuilding Rules

    An early study showed that consuming 1. Whey protein is great for building muscle, but if you're not taking BCAAs, you could be leaving gains on the table. BCAAs are composed of three essential amino acids that make up almost one-third of your skeletal muscle protein, and they have been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and aid in recovery. Taken before exercise, BCAAs can reduce post-exercise muscle soreness and speed up the recovery process.