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Welcome to Clean Eating for Women, a podcast to inform and inspire YOUR journey to health, with a focus on nutrition and holistic healing. Please note that the information presented here is for educational purposes only. Consult your healthcare practitioner before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is based on Courtney Violet Bentley's meditation technique. I visualized reaching the goal with the completed book in my hands. Then I had to discover what was preventing me from reaching the goal.

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My limiting beliefs were that it is a lot of work, I've never done it before, and that I am not good enough. I also created a project calendar, and then I started to write.

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I'm also trying to manage my migraines and make sleep a priority. I exercise for 20 to 50 minutes and then practice 10 minutes of gentle yoga in the evening. I'm also working on having a normal menstrual cycle and managing my overall inflammation. Roadblocks include having time and energy for healthier meals and going to the gym. Little things that can be done include adding another serving of vegetables to my diet, buying bagged spinach, walking 20 minutes a day, finding a walking buddy, and using a pedometer.

Other things you can do include increasing your vegetable servings, trying a meal delivery service, batch cooking, meal planning services, CSA boxes, and my Clean Eating Everyday Cookbook. Audrey Johns is a blogger and cookbook author with an amazing story. She lost pounds by eating real food and cooking at home. She tried many different diets, and she would lose a little and then gain it back. Then she came across a clean eating cookbook and thought she would give it a try. A light went on she found something easy that made sense to her. She lost pounds in 11 months by just replacing processed foods with whole foods.

Her blood turned viral, and she now has two cookbooks and has been on the Rachael Ray Show three times. It makes you hungrier at mealtime and you are also hyped up on caffeine. This is why she called her book Lose By Through Eating. We need calories for fuel, so they shouldn't be considered a bad thing.

Filling our body with fake foods is worse for us even if they are low calorie. Think about how a convenience foods make you feel afterwards. Think about the long game and your life as you're getting older. Think about how the food is going to affect you in the long run. Our food should taste good and make us feel good.

It's as simple as following directions and having a little bit of kitchen confidence. If ruining dinner is the worst thing that happened today, you're doing pretty good. You need protein and healthy fats. Audrey loves using things like walnuts and goat cheese. Healthy fats tell your body that it's okay to release the fat in the body. She wants you to be so full and satisfied that you aren't reaching for chips or processed food.

Replacing laboratory foods that confuse your body with whole foods that your body already knows how to digest. You can also put your smoothie in a cup so the kids won't even know it's green.

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Baby kale is also more mild than regular kale. You can also use half kale and half spinach. Think of it as girl talk gone menstrual! Jolene Brighten. Brighten is the author of Beyond the Pill, a day plan to support women on birth control, help them transition off, and eliminate the symptoms of PBCS. In this episode, we talk about the significant side effects of hormonal birth control, the relationship between gut health and hormonal birth control, the causes of PBCS, difficulties associated with coming off of hormonal birth control, and so much more!

To learn more about Dr. Jolene Brighten, visit the show notes. So many women ask us questions like these How can I tell if I am ovulating? What ovulation symptoms are normal? How long should my luteal and follicular phases be? What about cervical fluid - it's so confusing! And ovulation pain and spotting - normal, not normal? Well, have no fear, we'll answer all those questions and more on this episode of the Period Party!

Expert interviews in the field of hormone health, nutrition, and mindset. A show for smart women seeking smart solutions to the stresses of modern life. Our guest this week is Cammi Balleck. She is a naturopath and a previous guest of Women's Wellness Radio. When treating patients, she looks at the entire hormone system.

Belly fat can be linked to high levels of cortisol - Insulin resistance and its association with weight loss - Benefits of adaptive exercises and yoga, Pilates, meditation and others that do not involve high levels of activity - Testosterone and its functions in the body.

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You can buy a hormone test kit from her website and she will provide free results evaluation after you take the test. Health beyond dieting is possible. Food doesn't have to be complicated. This podcast is about empowering women to live their life confidently right now through learning to trust and respect their body, transforming their relationship to food and themselves.

Since Must listen! When applied to food, it will lead to binging and overeating in the same way that perfectionistic expectation to work will lead to burnout. We cannot uphold those expectations. It's impossible to keep it up all the time, so we end up crashing. We crash in proportion to how rigid we were trying to hold on.

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And it's important to understand this concept if we really want to understand the reason why we overeat and binge. The more you attempt dieting, the less you are likely to stick to one. So, when we try to cease emotional eating from existing, we end up being on the wagon, off the wagon, on the wagon a.

Looking from the Inside Diet mentality goes more than just a relationship with food. We often look at our happiness through a solution that is external to us instead of looking at finding happiness, joy, and fulfillment from inside. In the same way we relate to diet, we think that controlling our external environment a. What does your body want you to eat?

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That only solves half the problem. The other half of the problem is how we think. Are we living in diet mentality? Are we approaching food like is a thing that we should be careful around? The reason is because it has nothing to do with weight. Weight is not a causal effect of health, just a by-product. This desire for weight loss beyond health is what we call the body image issue.

Ninety-nine percent of food issue boils down to body image issues. Emotional eating is heavily correlated with dieting.