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I guess I am a kid at heart!

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That salad you found does look delicious! I love sweet potatoes in salads—in fact I have some with me today. Enjoy Les Miserables! Today I have kabocha squash in my salad…. Have a great weekend! THose lunchbox ideas — too cute! I really wish that Pinterest had been around when I was little, although I have a feeling that my mom was a little too busy to have been able to cut my sandwiches into bunnies and dinosaurs.

I swear that parents have so much more pressure to be creative these days! Love the lunch box ideas and the sweet potato donuts!

DEBC at Hypnotic Donut Dash

I am running the Hypnotic Donut Dash in the morning so I will be indulging in the real thing but I would love to make the sweet potato donuts at home soon. I am also loving Lisa Leonard, she is going to be a speaker at BlissDom in March and I am looking forward to meeting her. Great idea giving your husband a little hint! I noticed the sale and totally plan on taking advantage.

Your Complete Guide to Seattle Events in 12222

Thanks for sharing and good luck this weekend!! Sweet potatoes are such a perfect food. They are a staple in this home! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Your email address will not be published. Recipe Rating. Hello and welcome! I'm the girl, Kim, behind Kim's Cravings. Please stick around and join me on my journey to create healthy, clean and yummy food for myself and my family.

Anyone interested in running in a low key, fun environment should definitely check this out. The next run will take place on February 9. The brewery will also be hosting an official 5K run on April For more information on the 5K and the social runs, please visit the Peticolas running club's Facebook page - Velvet Hammer 5K or visit their website at www. More reports are here and in the Archives.

A small but enthusiastic crowd showed up for the inaugural Three Kings race in Bedford on Saturday, January 5. Spotting 18 year old Paul Anderson warming up in the parking lot, I pegged him as a likely contender for the overall title.

Hypnotic Donuts and Donut Dash 5k Dallas

He told me he was treating Saturday's race as a tempo run but I knew that even if he treated it as a slow jog, he would still be the first to cross the finish line. Fortunately organizers had placed plenty of volunteers throughout the course which was much appreciated as Anderson and the lead bicycle quickly disappeared out of sight. Following the race I had a chance to speak with Paul's grandmother, Cheryl, who often watches her grandson race. Now in her seventies, she is not as active as she used to be but spoke about how in years gone by she regularly rose at 5 am to power walk with friends before work.

Her grandson is impressed by older athletes who still compete on a regular basis. While he would love to succeed as a college athlete he aspires to make running a life long hobby and hopes to still be lining up to race in his fifties and beyond. He has not yet selected which college he'll attend after graduating but is leaning towards studying political science at Boston University. Following the race runners enjoyed a pancake breakfast prepared by the Colleyville Lion's club. Awards were small polished rocks, hand painted by members of the church. Organizers hope to make this an annual event.

Editors Note: This report has been updated to reflect a change in the description of the Keto Diet. This once again created the dilemma for me of what to wear. Some hardy souls braved the elements and wore shorts but for the majority it was one of those rare days in Texas when tights seemed like a more comfortable option. The overall male winner, 28 year old Travis Barczak, didn't seem to notice the cold and ran in shorts and a singlet. Apparently if you run fast enough you create your own body heat and don't need to bother with weighty clothes.

Barczak ran a speedy , just 2 seconds faster than 31 year old Bryan Ruiz. The pair, incidentally, finished 2 minutes ahead of the next runner. On the female side the overall winner was 23 year old Annie Peterson who clocked Peterson, who moved to Texas from New York 4 months ago, has a PR of for the 5K distance so she is sure to be a contender in future races in the metroplex.

Another runner who continues to impress and inspire is 56 year old Rhonda Foulds. Foulds ran the 5K after running two half marathons the previous day. Her running adventures would be amazing for any runner but are particularly impressive considering that 20 years ago she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Her dedication to the sport and her eagerness to tackle new endurance challenges are nothing short of awe inspiring. Foulds credits part of her success to adopting the keto diet a year ago.

Among other things this popular way of eating decreased the amount of carbs she consumed, increased her fat consumption, and incorporated intermittent fasting. We send our thoughts and prayers to Ed Beckcom of Fort Worth who fell and sustained a head injury shortly after crossing the finish line yesterday. The fall necessitated a trip to the hospital and 14 stitches but thankfully he did not suffer serious head trauma.

We wish him a speedy recovery. December 27, , Editors Note: This race report was updated to reflect the Overall Female finishers using chip time versus gun time.

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He finished meters ahead of Wyatt Ellison, who placed second in Myers started running as a sophomore in high school in Medford, OR at the encouragement of Josh Wallace, who was his Spanish teacher, Bishop and finally, cross-country coach. He matriculated at Southern Virginia, where he has set several school records in events ranging from the , He is scheduled to graduate in then might pursue law school either at Harvard or the University of Virginia. Now she has upped her training to complete her first ultra-marathon, the Cowtown 50K in Ft. Worth in February.

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Willis was declared the overall winner. Her added miles seem to be paying off. Marissa says her mom, a one-time high school cross-country coach, often bikes with her, which helps get through the long miles, now totaling mpw. As a regular racer I look forward to starting off my weekend with a race.

I enjoy comparing my times week to week and have fun coming up with creative excuses when my time is slower than usual.

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Over the years I have run hundreds of races on different courses and only occasionally have I managed to run off course. Unfortunately this was the case this weekend. I was racing the Candy Cane Course 10k in Grand Prairie and apparently missed a fork on the path somewhere between miles 5 and 6. I had been navigating my way through a crowd of 5K walkers and assume that this must have been around the place where the sign was placed.

Instead of running 6. I initially thought everyone must have run the same course but quickly realized some runners had seen the sign and covered the correct distance. When I realized this I notified the race organizer and explained I should be removed from the results list. While I was disappointed I realize I have a lot to be grateful for.

My pace this weekend was significantly faster than last week's race, in part due to the fact that I had Linda Kelly on my heels. For those who don't know Linda, she is an exceptional runner from Dallas who, at age 67, still runs her 5 K in 23 minutes and change. Knowing Linda was not far behind me I pushed hard throughout the race. Of course if I hadn't been in my zone and pushing quite so hard maybe I might not have missed the final turn off Lining up before the race I spotted a young woman in a pink top who was tethered to a stroller.